5/18/18: Men love that Winter Coat

Sal recently got a hair cut... I haven't cut anything since October.  But he likes the fuzzy, even if he tries to deny it!

I will have to weed wack everything down soon though, its getting hot and my fur is horrible insulation...

5/11/18: Graceful in Bed

He sleeps ass up, I sleep all over, dogs find a spot... You wont see us on any mattress ads.. Possibly one for sleep aids.

5/4/18: Privacy? Hahahaha...

No.. Really... You can hear it hitting the water, and he is so noisy about it!  There are things to learn about someone before you marry... 1.  How they are in the bathroom.  2.  How they smell after and during.  and 3.  If they are loud and vocal about it...